dr. landergan tells not worried about the rubberized mats that are often used in playgrounds because they're contained and not loose. he's worried about the rubber mulch that's loose, kids can pick it up and play in it. >> so urgent for so many parents clearly. stephanie gosk, thank you for your reporting on this. >>> a woman believed to be the wife of the leader of isis is under arrest in lebanon tonight according to that nation's defense ministry. abu bakr al baghdadi is said to have multiple wives. the woman under arrest was reportedly detained while trying to cross into lebanon from syria, using a fake identification. lebanese officials say one of baghdadi's children was taken into custody along with her. >>> nbc news has learned president obama could announce his choice for the next u.s. defense secretary as early as tomorrow. he is ashton carter, a man who once served as second in command at the pentagon. if confirmed, carter would replace chuck hagel, who announced his resignation rather abruptly just last month. >>> jeb bush became the latest in the republican party to speak truth to