dr. jonas lavimore. i thought he died five or six years ago. oh, no. lavimore involuntarily and bitterly retired. this strain of fungus is one of lavimore's discoveries. on the west coast, in south port. unfortunately, he's disappeared again. i think i'll take a sailing trip down the coast to califofoia. how long do i have to find dr. lavimore and the...missile? the harvest at orbesk will be ready on the 20th. the fungus loses its effectiveness after 72 hours. ng at the 18th. oh, exactly three days. gee, that's a relief. i thought it was going to be a rush job. mr. solo. 'mr. solo. 're such a doll. alright, mr. solo. how w d i do? admirably. there are certain aspects of harvey muller's hmm. when youourop anchor in south port harbor you will be harvey muller of draco, kansas. wheat growererrich, spoiled. with a native brightness. interests,s,heat and women. in that order. in that order, i can't be too bright. in case of duress, in case you're captured or questioned, we'll prepare a phrase, a short phphse you can repeat. the instant you repeat this phras