dr. lee edwards is a fellow of the conservative thought and heritage foundation, and chairman of the victims of communism memorial foundation. he is the author of 20 books including biographies of ronald reagan, barry goldwater, histories of the heritage foundation and has worked on the translated into chinese, japanese and french he is a fellow of the institute of politics at the john f. kennedy -- of harvard. dr. edwards has appeared on many tv and radio programs and has had many articles in national newspapers. his upcoming book is a biography of william f. buckley. he currently resides in virginia with his wife. >> thank you. good morning, ladies and judgment. it is a beautiful day in washington, and a great day to be alive. especially if you are a young c books made a profound difference in the life of ronald reagan. in mid october of 1965, my wife and i spent a today's traveling with reagan in southern california when he was considering whether to run for governor of that state. at the end of the second day, reagan took us up the steep road to his home in pacific palisades, overlooking