dr. lichtman, how do you see it? >> i think she is misguided in many ways.one, legacies drastically change over time. you can't judge them at the moment. harry truman had 22% approval rating in his last year, half of that as obama's. today he is regarded as a near great president. i think obama will go down as the most consequential democratic president in the last 50 years for the following reasons. number one, his policies on bailing out the auto industry, the financial industry, and the stimulus stopped us from sliding into another detropical depression pression. that's what numerous economicometric studies show. the affordable care act. he achieved something that presidents for 50 years have not been able to achieve without a single opposition vote. the only time that has happened in history. and i think over time it will be shown that the affordable health care act will in fact -- >> become a sterling success. certainly the president's rank will rise, unless there is a case of terrorism. but you're wrong on the economy. the american people are losing ea