dr. brian machida. dr. machida, my girlfriends and i are always talking about getting older, and it seems like we seem to have the exact same complaints about the exact same parts of our bodies. so, i want to take a look at some of the before-and-afters if we can, and i'd like you to tell lift by sono bello actually helped address those issues. so, this is shirley. and tell me what we're looking at here. >> well, in this case, she didn't want to keep looking angry. she had excessive jowls, so after, you can see that she has a nicely defined jawline, her neck is very nice and refined, and the jowls and the folds are much less noticeable. >> it's dramatic to me. it's really beautiful. >> yes, it is. >> i'm gonna pull up dina here. i think this is amazing, what i see on dina. can you speak to what we're seeing her >> well, you see here, what's obvious in the neck is excess skin and muscle. they call it a turkey neck. and you can see the result. the result's fantastic. >> it looks like dina's mother on the left