dr. nicole mackie. dr. mackie, welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me. >> so, tell me a little bit about your role as the prosthodontist, and who's the typical patient? >> we don't really have a typical patient. patients can be any kind of walk of life, any different kind of background. you can have a young person who was in an accident, congenitally missing teeth, they were born without those teeth. years and they're just sick of it. or you can have a middle-aged adult who's just had many different dental problems and they're constantly in a dental chair, and you just want that permanent solution. and my role as the prosthodontist is to help design and make that smile and those teeth beautiful and functional, how they intended to be. >> now, you know what i like about you? we were talking about the benefits of dental implants, right? >> mm-hmm. >> and you had this story about that there's very few things in dentistry where the patient are so happy. elaborate on that. >> well, you know, before yo