this triggered a tax on dr. mann and the science behind his work, all documented in his book "the hockey stick and the climate wars." michael mann, you write that in mid 1990s, scientists were able to begin to connect the dots on climate change. could you elaborate? >> we understood the basic science of the greenhouse effect nearly two centuries ago. joseph fourier, the same guy who discovered the law of heat conduction, understood that there was this greenhouse effect. so we've known for some time that the greenhouse effect exists and that we're increasing it through fossil fuel burning. by the mid 1990s, we had reached a level of formal certainly about that that we had not before reached. we could actually attach a number to it. in the second assessment report of the ipcc published in 1995, the ipcc concluded that there was now a discernible human influence on the climate. now, there's an interesting story there. the language would have been stronger than just discernible, but the delegates of certain participating