. >> yes, dr. marat. >> i had two questions. there's been tension sometimes with schools themselves expecting whatever money is generated. i wondered if you can forward that. secondly, what about parking lot fundraisers when schools use their school yards as parking lots, is that also included in this somehow? >> yes, so to your first question, we do have a resolution that was passed by 25 percent of the net that goes back to the schools and unfortunately we haven't finished calculating the revenue because right now we don't have a system to help us keep track of all the permits and all the revenues that's why we need this new system. i have this spread sheet. i have to go through all 15,000 permits each school year. to go through them and see which one qualifies for the 25 percent. and then each permit i have to manually calculate the cost to get the net revenue and take 25 percent and then apply it to each school. so it's taking up a lot of my time. it's a huge strain on me and my staff so i do apologize we haven't been able t