dr. mark highman. oz said, you have to know your height, your weight, your waist and your cholesterol and your blood pressure. we set up a booth in our church and let people take those numbers. we opened a website called danielplan.com where they could follow it. i thought maybe 200 people would show up. 12,000 of my members signed up. as you pointed out, we lost over 250,000 pounds. i'm looking for the day our church says we lost the equivalent of a jumbo jet liner. diets are diets and there's a lot of similarities. but the number one thing is this, we do it in community. most people don't understand that saddleback is not the sunday service. anytime a journalist comes to saddleback, they come to the service, they come on a weekend and see 20,000 people. they think that's in. that's the tip of the iceberg. the real church happens during the week in 6,000 small groups. we're the only church in america that has more people in bible study than on sunday. 20,000 come on sunday. 32,000 in small groups. the