dr. joseph maroon as they lead our discussion. it's all right here on "medical discoveries." >> welcome to "medical discoveries." i'm thrilled to be here today with dr. joseph maroon. dr. maroon, welcome. >> thank you very much, dr. jampolis. i'm excited to be here. >> now, as a practicing neurosurgeon, why do you believe so strongly in omax3 that you're willing to put your reputation behind it? >> several years ago, i had a major midlife crisis. my father, a relatively young man, died suddenly of a heart attack. a marriage came apart, and i ended up, because of the stress, leaving neurosurgery, quitting my job. >> wow. that's big. >> it was big, and it really caused me to go into a pretty steep and deep depression that lasted for quite a few months. i strongly believe that physical activity is the best antidepressant. but what happened is i continued to run, run, run, and i was like forrest gump running through wheeling, west virginia, until my knees and my ankles and my joints really started to hurt. i started taking nonsteroidal