dr. maxnor. what ms. beasley said here is very important. she said it's logical to ask why not see a different doctor or get better treatment. the answer was recently summarized by a leading pain official, quote, overall, currently available treatments provide modest improvements in pain and minimum improvements in physical and emotional functioning the quality of evidence is mediocre and has not improved substantially during the last decade." not to pick on you or anything, but you said here, on this page here, you said," i submit that we now possess the tools and knowledge to conquer this epidemic and bring relief to millions worldwide." well i read this, what was in the lancet, and saying that it has not improved during the last decade and there are other things not being looked at. so i don't know that we have the tools and knowledge right now unless we start looking at all these other methodolgies, again, i'm talking about chronic pain that is not the result of cancer, or putting my hand in a fire or -- tooth problems or things like tha