dr. metzger, dr. adams. dr. mark kadrisi, dr. randy rosen. also, correspondence with aeg.s the group that was promoting michael jackson's concerts in london. or also the nurse practitioner, cherilyn lee. she's the woman that claims michael jackson was begging her for the drug propofol. >> let me clarify. you're saying they were looking for any correspondence related to those people or did they find correspondence related to those people? >> they were looking for it. it's not clear if they found it, but they were looking for any correspondence with michael jackson or any of those aliases as well as the doctors i just mentioned. >> the timeline on the day michael jackson died extremely crucial. let's listen to the personal chef who was there that day. >> around 12:00, 12:10, dr. murray comes running down the stairs and into the kitchen stairwell into the kitchen. he comes into the kitchen screaming, hurry, go get prince, go get security. dr. murray is screaming something may be wrong with your dad. we're all panicking and wondering what's going on. paris is screaming and cry