dr. michael ho. >> hello, john. >> hey, doctor. >> hi, everyone. first of all, i'd like to thank all my patients and customers out there for all your trust support, and referrals over the years. thank you very much. >> let's get right to it though. what is the secret to relieving back pain? >> you know, john, after years of treating back patients, i can tell you that most back problems are mechanical nature. most back pain is caused by a combination of muscle tension, stiff joints, and degenerative discs and pinched nerves. >> so, if the cause is mechanical, taking a pill's not gonna solve the problem. >> you've got that right. you know, while taking a pill seems easy, there is no magic pill for back pain. taking drugs can be detrimental to your health. on the other hand, john, decompression or traction therapy is a proven technique for relieving back pain. and after years of research and development, i'm very proud to say i have designed a new decompression belt that can instantly help relieve your b