dr. miguel miklalis, i first met aim at his duke university lab a year and a half before the world cup.re? >> this is actually a brainstorm. >> by brainstorm you mean a burst of activity? >> a burst of electrical signals coming from hundreds of neurons over time. this is the alphabet of the brain. >> and the alphabet becomes a language roughly translated that can be understood by the exo skeleton. paper thin electrodes transmit signals from the brain allowing it to communicate with the exo skeleton and make it move. >> you can read the signals and send them to devices and these devices will move according to the voluntary motor intention. what we see here is the first prototype of the exoskeleton. >> when i visited the exoskeleton was working well with primates, the true test on the world's biggest stage would be an exoskeleton controlled by a human. with just days before the world cup opening ceremonies, the team were working furiously. >> we're in a race to try to get that demonstration going. >> you see it's not just about walking, but coordinating brain signals, muscle movements and