. >> hello, is dr. minto in? >> sure, go ahead and come right in. >> how much money is in this business? >> watch, old tennis shoes, blue jeans, 8 year old car. not a heck of a lot of money. dr. lester minto is the last abortion doctor left in the rio grande valley. >> well, this is the sono room. this is where we do sonograms and check everybody. >> the suction machines, you keep them here? >> we keep the suction machines here, so the girls don't have to listen to the noise. every week he makes the five hour drive from his home to his clinic. >> and where is the room you stay at night when you're here? >> it is right back here. there's nothing vulgar. kind of like a jail cell. >> this is where you stay two or three nights a week? you said you sleep with a gun on you? >> i lay it there besides me. >> really, can you show me? this is what you use? >> i don't want to ever use it i've never had to use it, but i always carry it just for safety. >> they call me murderer, they followed my kids around yelled at my childr