dr. mitch berger says the challenge to scientists will lead to a better understanding how parts interactionyacht. >> so we know what areas work together in the normal function and then, when there is a disease like alzheimer's disease we can understand which piece of the puz jell not firing. >> to illustrate, dr. berger shows me this picture of a brain showing me which areas are activated when the subject is asked what do you do with a ball. >> you think about hit and open your mouth say hit and hear the word hit it happens in a second or two when the brain is working right wh. not, joel panser can tell but that. >> my wife has no discretion. she can't read a menu or tell one noun from another. >> his wife of 45 years has dementia, taking away her ability to understand. >> she can't find where to put thing asks doesn't know the names of things anymore. >> for panser it's been a heart breaking two and a half years. he understands today's proposal from the president comes too late for his wife but thinks $100 million is a drop in the bucket. >> i don't know anyone. i can't imagine anyone who