dr. moases and chief of pediatrics and the rosen during foundation and at that time in 1976 no one talked about it. we didn't have a system. we tried to get our public agencies together to work together so over these last 36 years we really created an amazing system but what i learned about five years ago we had a whole another network and we didn't talk to each other. we had domestic violence and elder abuse and child abuse and we knew each other but we weren't sharing information as much. we weren't talk about family violence so i am thrilled to be here tonight to be part of this family violence council that looks at these three issues and we begin to talk about family violence in san francisco and i am pleased to able to talk about the report. >> my name is theresa gwen and work at the institute of aging and this program has been around since 1981. we started the first multi-disciplinary team in the country on the issue of elder abuse and we have continued this legacy by having one of the first elder abuse centers in the country so we're one of four. one is being started in new york an