dr. morin was appointed to his current position in june 2009, as controller and chief financial officer, dr. morin is the principal advisor to the secretary of the chief of staff on all financial matters. he's responsible for providing financial management necessary for the effective and efficient use of air force resources. we thank you all for being here today. we thank you for your preparation, for your testimony, and for your willingness to respond to our questions. i have one other favor to ask all of you. i want you to take this to heart. i read through your statements. and it was replete with acronyms. i don't like acronyms. gao is fine. dod is fine. fbi is fine. epa is fine. sba, which shows up repeatedly, small business administration. ada shows up repeatedly, americans for disability act. and i don't want you to use acronyms. if it's something that's common, we see it all the time, that's fine. otherwise, i'll stop you every time you do it. i don't want you to use acronyms. use the wo