dr. morton seems like a nice guy. to get through this, baby. we are going to make it like it was. have been a huge star in your native sweden. everybody is predicting this is going to put you in the same frame stateside. doesn't feel that way to you? >> i feel incredibly blessed to get work with people like sam jackson and michael keaton, so for me it is a dream come true regardless. tavis: i read an interview you did the other day, and i was fascinated by a particular line i want to explore, but the article didn't give space to do this. that is this notion that putting on this sued for robocop you thought was going to be heavy and tiring, and it may have been all that, but when you put the suit on, wearing the suit day in day out spoke about the humanity of the character. what do you mean by that? >> it was more the contrast of emotions the character was going through. i didn't expect to find that from a suit. i put the suit on. it was uncomfortable and made me feel like a bad askss, but it also revealed some of the vulnerability the character was going through. i'm not wearing a