dr. mulvenon. those companies you mentioned that are now complaining are the same companies that really did the heavy lifting to push the npr through the united states senate and house of representatives. more on that later perhaps. let me ask, start with dr. mulvenon on this question. i spent a lot of my time, my state makes more than any other, makes more things, more products in terms of net worth than any state but california and texas, states much larger from aerospace to autos to food processing to chemicals to all kinds of things, wind turbines, solar panels. i spend a lot of time on shop floors, and what you notice is in terms of innovation, they so often take place on the shop floor. so u.s. companies when we do the innovation in california's as apple brags about or ohio or anywhere else or north carolina and then the production is done overseas, automatically that innovation is happening on those shop floors in terms of process and product both. how does, how does this, how did this theft