from connecticut, senator chris murphy, who has been a real leader in this area, and i know he joins me in thanking the jackson family for being here today. let me ask dr. campbell, based on your research do women take the decision lightly to seek a temporary restraining order? >> absolutely not. and neither do judges in granting them. i talk with many judges, and women very carefully consider their options, and many women go for temporary protective orders and do not get them. judges are very careful in listening to what evidence is available around the temporary restraining orders. so they are neither sought, nor granted lightly. >> and i believe judge mccaffrey i testified that temporary restraining orders often are not made permanent because women are afraid to appear for the hearing, is that -- >> absolutely. that's what we find. and oftentimes they're afraid because they've been threatened with a weapon or threatened with a gun. that's the most scary thing for women in terms of, you know, reinforcing that fear and making it that they are less able to actually seek that long-term protective order. we also find that women are afraid that the hearin