dr. myron mccompany. >> i invite us all to be in an attitude of prayer. god who has walked with us, we thank you for a rich legacy of heroes and heroins that have stood in the gap. they stood in the midst of all man r and organized oppression. we thank you for them allowing us to stand on their shoulders and build on their efforts. >> we thank god for allowing us to see a new day. we are mindful that the struggle continues and that there are still many miles to go before we speak. we thank you that you promised never to abandon us or leave us alone. thank you for all the returning members of the cbc and the successes they were table to achieve in the congressnd the days past. thank you for the nine new members. and we remember all the members as they they vous to support the constitution of these united stateses and all anywhere enemies foreign and domestic. help them with all their vous and enemies. help them to serve their pick lick well. give them help for all her colleagues who may be blind to the casual tis of skwifting problems and problem walking h