nay -- dr. naomi, how a handful of scientists gathered the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. her co-author will joins at some point. he's stuck in traffic at this point. [laughter] anyway, she is a profession of history studies. her study beyond the ivory tower was sited by al gore in an inconvenient truth as a seminal look in climate change denial. her more general terms research focuses on the historical development of scientific knowledge. she's wrote about continental drift and the inviz the of women -- invisibility of women in science. provocative. okay. [laughter] hopefully, we will get erick conway in here at some point of the he's not with us yet. anyway, first, i think we'll have each of the panelists go down in the same order i introduced them, and give me a quick summation of what your book tells us, and what's the gee-whiz moment when you talked about your book preachesly and people -- previously, and people who road it, what grips them and something they never knew bef