dr. king gave his speech and washington, d.c. now we see in 2019, a native american elder, the omaha elder nathan phillips, drumming and chanting and young white high school students from kentucky, covington high school, the catholic high school, mocking him, sneeeeng. your thoughts on what this means for the future? >> i know w there is a nararrate ththat says we donon't have thel picture e of w what preceded att moment. the issue is what happened in the moment we saw. in that t moment we saw disresespect. we sawaw c communities divided. and we heardrd language that is not appropriate. the matter what instigated it, what we have to focus on is why ththis was t the reactioion. unfortunatelely, this begins at the top. we have a c cmander-in-n-chief o - -- his failed to hatred. that will absolutetely filter dn to the youngest and d most oppressed double members of o or cocommunity. ---- impressionable members of r community. regardleless of why begins, we have to say it ins now. amy: former georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams. i spoke to her in los angeles. she will deliver the response to president trump's state of the uni