dr. osama abosoud. he controls the electrodes on a hand held device.nifer's emotions quickly change as the voltage changes. she's awake and alert and describing how she feels. >> horrible. i know i'm -- >> sorry about that. >> within minutes the horrible feelings go away as dr. abosaud continues to adjust the voltage of the electrodes inside her brain. this is the result. >> i don't know why i'm laughing. >> you're laughing again? >> i don't know why. >> what is that like for her to go through those highs and lows so quickly in such a manic way? >> it's dramatic. and i would assume that it's very uncomfortable. to feel that you're not in control of your own mind. and someone else can take control of your mind. through a device. >> jennifer's ocd is so severe she insisted keeping on the gloves she wears everywhere even inside the operating room. but the gloves provide a way for the doctors to measure how well the contacts are working in the brain. >> do you want to take the glove off? >> i don't want to. if you try to take gloves i'd start crying, don't