dr. papademetriou: let me sort of take this on for a second. i think this pope is a globalist in the most fundamental sense of the word. we know the catholic church thinks of itself and is the universal church. we all understand this. this particular pope speaks very directly about globalization and he speaks repeatedly about globalization. and lampedusa, for example, he spoke about the globalization of indifference and he contrasted that with the globalization of charity in cooperation -- and cooperation. this is one of many, many instances where the pope wants us to push against the frames, which we discuss policy issues and make them larger. he borrows language from the universal declaration of human rights rate he speaks clearly about the application of the refugee convention. these are documents that have been around for 60, 65 years. these are documents that, in the united states, had rather restricted use. but these are the kinds of things he speaks very clearly about. and he really expects his audience, you know -- he has a captive audi