dr. pat, welcome to the show. show the ad itself, one of them. a sense what the government is doing. you see a picture of a woman here. she is quoted as saying, i started using e sig gets -- cigarettes but kept smoking up until my lung collapsed. people tell you this is a great way to stop smoking. is it? >> there actually isn't any good evidence that shows that using e-cigarettes, as a nicotine delivery device helps people stop smoking. in fact recent studies make it look like smokers that use e-cigarettes less likely to quit than make smokesser who don't. gerri: unbelievable. we reported extensively on the show about some health impacts health problems especially for children who get burned because they break open one of these e-cigs and nicotine inside, the material, burns their skin. are there other health drawbacks here? >> oh, sure. beyond burning your skin nicotine is actually a neurotoxin and as little as teaspoon of the liquid nicotine that people have that they keep in bottles to refill these devices could actually kill a child. now the