dr. patel to help make sure my supplements are safe. >> our suppliers have put these together for us. they have also given us, obviously, their certificate of analysis, but i want your people to make sure that, in fact -- >> absolutely. >> -- you know, it is what it's supposed to be. is there -- >> reporter: the certificate i'm giving him has phony numbers, but i'm totally up front about everything i want his lab to test for. including that arsenic. >> we don't want to have levels of heavy metals. >> correct. in fact, we'll be looking for lead, arsenic, kad mee up, and mercury. >> reporter: will he find the poisons? >> we'll actually get these logged in today. >> reporter: or just rubber stamp the phony lab report we gave him? >> coming up -- >> these are all perfectly normal. >> it's way off. he is about 1,000 times too low. >> doctor, there's something i need to tell you. >> okay. >> i'm chris hansen with "dateline nbc." "the hansen files" continues. uh, i was just in the car. oh, the car. wh