dr. paul russell leading in the discussions and interaction between science and religion and how they can be compatible and think other for 30 years with a celebration coming up this week. >>> on the 14th of a book launch for my new book time and eternity. and for the 30 years to kickoff the year celebrations and some of their tenures summer theology and science journal signifying this metaphor of bridging the two worlds keeping them separate respecting their differences but finding commerce both ways. >>> this is the web sites and the celebration on this coming friday the 14th if you want to drop been 230 to 430 come on by we are an affiliate of the graduate theological union in accretive this gte because of its incredible intellectual spiritual environment. >>> it's a bunch of seminaries put together a great resource. critic and programs in jewish studies and muslim steadies and buddhist studies conversations that are really huge. >>> have you been able to involve and invite the muslims and buddhists and jewish community into this dialogue? >>> absolutely and we will do more of it the r