health department and the director of food systems from the department of public health paula jones and we have dr. len in a in the unified school district food and fitness committee. and we have bob one of our superintendents in our rec and park department so let me introduce christen and also paula jones i'm not sure if she's here >> good afternoon supervisors. i believe my presentation is loaded here it might not be so - my name is christen i'm the senior health planner in the department of public health. and i'm here today to talk to you about the impacts of sugary drinks. excuse me. while i get this up sorry about that. here it is. >> so we're waiting for the imagination there it is. >> so we've been working on the issue of sugary drinks since 2008 it's a public health issue. i'm going to start with diabetes it's been mentioned several times in 2003 did centers for disease control and prevention reported that diabetes will afflict 1 in 3 people born in 2000, however, they noted for african-american and latino children the risk was one in 2. for 50 percent are we are expect to be afflicted wit