dr. peter bay, i rendsed before, said the same thing in the record. increasing drainage of the lagoon will increase the spread of cat tails over the open water. what it means is if the city goes forward with this project and does in and either scrapes or sucks out the aquatic vegetation, a lug the water to flow more rapidly they will grow back, in short order. they will be required to implement a similar kind of project again and again and again across time. but they have refused to consider the cumulative impacts of that question. they have not been reviewed in this environmental document. we believe that that cumulative impact requires an assessment. as i mentioned, there is an alternative. there is an alternative that has been proposed by our experts. the alternative is to simply allow the water levels in the laguna system to rise a little bit critically during the spring and summer months. the months the aquatic vegetation grows, not during the wintertime when the golf course typically flows. the alternative will not increase [inaudible]. [speaker