dr. poussaint, what would you say? one thing to do?k every parent can do is serve smaller portions to their children and have them have smaller portions if they go out to eat anywhere. that will make an enormous difference. because we have a phenomenon in america called the "clean plate club." we tell children, finish everything on your plate. children are starving in africa and asia and so on. and so sometimes -- >> larry: good idea. >> sometimes kids are pushed to eat a lot because their parents are pushing them to eat a lot because they think it's wrong to waste food. >> larry: the book is "come on, people." bill, how did you learn you were dead? >> i read about it on the internet. and i was very, very surprised. and so that's why i said to my wife, am i dead? and she said, yes. >> larry: thanks, guys. >> i was surprised too, bill, because your wife didn't call me. i think she would've called me if you were dead.