dr. ralph o. khan ["wrath of khan"] please report to surgery? dr. ralph o. khan, report to surgery. n! you picked the wrong day to mess with me, charlie. [ groans ] punk. please! i -- please, help me! [ sighs ] please, somebody help me. somebody, help me. [ alarm blaring, sirens wailing in distance ] mr. maranjian, we need you to settle down. eddie: settle down? what the hell is going on here? that woman next to me -- she came in here. she was fine, and now she's dead! she was not fine. what was wrong with her? what was wrong with her?! we're trying to find out. you see, the soviets had a program. they were trying to weaponize the marburg virus. it's all very, very, very secret. and we're finding that the accelerated incubation period of the dozen cases that we've -- dozen cases?! yes, that we've studied... are all... it's, um... well, we've... oh, god. oh, god! dr. foster! oh, god! dr. foster! oh, go-o-o-o-o-d! [ static ] hardison: you think you can just ignore me, like i don't have any feelings, like i never sat there, never listened to you talk all night. hardison, have you been t