dr. rand paul who is ron paul's son. are you going to enter the race? >> at this point, i have decided not to get involved in kentucky. i have said before i think rand paul is one of the best candidates we have as republicans in the country today. that's one race, at least at this point, i'm going to stay out ofme. >> i can't help myself. will the republicans take the senate come november? >> i think your question was will we take the senate. i think we have a good shot of taking the house. i'm not sure there are enough slots open in the senate to actually take it back this time. we are hoping for a good election. the key for me, larry, is to get four or five republicans who are committed to stopping the spending, the borrowing, government takeovers. if we can do that in the senate, if we don't take it over in 2010 we definitely will in 2012. >> senator jim demint of south carolina, we appreciate it, sir. good luck on saving the gop's soul. >> thank you, larriment. >> thank you, sir. >>> tomorrow we visit with dick durbin, the number two democrat in the