dr. robbie ludwig is a psychotherapist.are are increasingly becoming the bread winners and that was inevitable. >> it's been steadily climbing, the percentage of working women who outearn their husbands has been steadily climbing since the 1980s. there was a market reaction at the beginning of the century. >> before the recession? >> well before the recession which was a jump. the recession, called the man-session accelerated it. but it did not drive it. >> women now know they can do it and now it's three generations of women at work? >> right. women are outnumbering men on college and university campuses. that trend is expected to accelerate. and then the changes in the economy that were illuminated by the recession in terms of declining, manufacturing based and sort of industrial jobs. an economy that's change to go be a knowledge economy, which some say favors women. >> now, robi, in your line of work, that doesn't have to be a bad thing or appear ego hit for me men. >> right. and i am in the northeast and i treat people