dr. karen ruskin a psychotherapist and dr. keith ablow a psychiatrist. dr. ablow, what say you?bill, i will have to agree in general with you because the truth is that psychiatry itself has strayed away from its spiritual roots. the two things aren't entirely different. what are we doing with really good psychotherapy and even the use of medicines? we are restoring people to the best of themselves. but they also have to believe that there's a plan for them, that there is manifest destiny for them. that there is a higher thing to strive for. and once you love yourself and one might say because god loves you, too, you can love other people. and if you can't do that your empathy can be shattered so that as you say, anything goes. because if you don't believe you can't empathize. because, forgiveness is what's required of people and what prevents them from striking out. >> okay, now, dr. ruskin, the murderers that i referred to in charleston, in connecticut, in colorado, and now in virginia, they all have a common theme. all of these young men basically wanted to check out. all righ