dr. russell. the prevailing wisdom in the medical community is that you treat drug and alcohol addiction as a disease. whitney houston had the money to get the best treatment. she didn't want it. she went back and back and back and finally, her body gave out. so you say, what? if you are addicted or on that road, what's your advice to people? >> this is going to sound simple. but unless you are going to put steel bars between a person and an addiction, which by the way is not a bad idea for someone with an intractable addiction, then what begins as a personal choice ends with a personal choice, which is why rehab is so ineffective, you can't talk someone into quitting, but when they decide haywant to, they need help dealing-- >>> who about whitney houston who, decides i'm not going to quit. what about them? do we have a responsibility to them at all? >> i think the only thing you can do is literally separate them from the substance. >> this is a public health issue. you don't criminalize behavior.