dr. sac r.a.e told you, but with any disease everybody doesn't have the same symptoms or progressi progression. that's why it makes it difficult to tell. there are characteristic conditions that you know it's likely to be ebola. we know that they have had contact with a patient. they have had a fever, they have headaches. they have muscle aches, stomach aches, vomiting, diarrhea. that progression. five to seven days about half -- and some of them about half will have a rash also. but seven, eight days in to it you expect that they have bleeding at punk true sites and that's how their illness would progress. but, again, it's different for each individual person. >> how much of help will it be treating this case that you have already treated dr. sacra, the experience gained from treat that go? >> it's clear that you can learn a lot about a disease from reading about it in journal articles and textbooks and things, but there are really no substitute for first hand experience in terms of taking care o