thanks to the vision and support of his widow, dr. sadatas the opportunity through this special series to pay tribute to this great man by promoting his ideals. the sadat lecture of peace is one of the highlights of our academic year. we are all indebted to those that make it possible, to dr. sadat, the professor for their dialogue in the middle east, and for dean townsend. we gather today to hear a lecture on peace at a time when peace is elusive, and the specter of war has spread to many corners of our globe. everywhere, people yearn for peace, and they look for leadership. guided by the example of such great men as anwar sadat, we persevere in tha tnoble quest. we are deeply honored that secretary madeleine albright has graciously agreed to deliver this year's anwar sadat lecture for peace. i am very pleased today to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the person whose vision has stimulated this wonderful lecturer series, a very special friend, dr. sadat. she is an internationally known advocate for peace. we are extraordinarily fort