you had a comment, dr. satel. i don't believe that this drug you're talking about will exact a kind of surgical excision of the memory, so there is absolutely no recall at all. you can imagine where the anxiety and the distress surrounding the memory is reduced, but the moral distress is still profound. and then when you have someone who is less symptomatic, they may actually be able to make restitution in a much more effective way. so attached to these complicated molecules that are coming down the pike, are enormously complicated moral questions. art caplan, what are the tools that we need as we go forward to think about how these moral judgments will be made responsibly as these new technologies emerge? well, you need to have some sense, you know, hurlbut and i have been dueling about this. but you do need to have some sense of what you want to believe about human nature. we do have to talk more about this idea of who we are, what makes us who we are. i think it is important to do that. i think we need two othe