dr. sawyer took an immediate dislike to forbes, always hated him. david pietrusza: and it was, i believe, sawyer who brought the rumors to warren harding of the thefts which were -- which are completely egregious in the veteran's hospital. i think when you talk about your teapot dome, you talk about whatever daugherty or jeff smith did in the justice department. i think the great shame of the administration is what they did to the veterans. kathrine sibley: yes, but i think when florence found out -- david pietrusza: and even in terms of money. kathrine sibley: right. when florence found this out that she absolutely, you know, she was even more forceful than harding. he was always a little reluctant, i think to turn hardly -- hard heart on his old friends but in the end, of course, he did have to accept the resignation of forbes. but yes -- david pietrusza: yes, he sent them out of the country. kathrine sibley: yes, absolutely. susan swain:kathrine sibley, while you were talking about the veterans we saw some film clips of the veterans in wheelchair