dr. schmidt? sorry. you're right about the new eu parliament exercising its muscles since the lisbon treaty. i think one thinks we sometimes don't appreciate the degree to which there has been very fundamental changes and eu governing structures. it's called a treaty, a very much constitutional agreement. i would also say that along with the parliament, one of the difficulties we have is with the european court of human rights. another body which is relatively independent and not responsible for to directly to home governments. all as producing a lot of decisions which are very problematic when it comes to security. i know that if i was in government, it would be a very complex thing to handle. we have, i think it's fair to say, very good relations bilaterally with a lot of countries, even countries we are very much in disagreement with. when it came to intelligence sharing and security matters behind the 9/11 curtain, they were very cooperative. eu element really does make this a more complex gam