dr. schollsr massaging gel insoles. they're provenr to give you comfort. which helps you feelt r v i want what he has. degree motionsense. with unique microcapsules that release bursts ofr freshness all day. t motionsense. @ protection to keep you moving. @ degree.` ``>>> hey, guys, it is winesday ``wednesday. ``i'm jenna bush hagar in for ``kathie lee. ``and hoda is across the street at ``the studios and ready to play ``the weekly trivia game "who ``knew" and in honor hoff j.lo's ``biggest debut, we are testing ``your knowledge of sin city. ``for those who know, you get ``$100, and if not, don't worry, ``because you will get a signed ``copy of hoda's new book. ``and with us is editor of ``"traveler" and you love las ``vegas? ``>> it is one of the favorite ``places in the world. ``>> before we left, we asked, ``more of this food is eaten every ``day in las vegas than the rest ``of the country combined. ``wings, fries, or shrimp. ``>> you would think it is wings, ``but it is 60,000 pounds of ``that is the same amount consumed ``in the rest of the country ``