dr. anne schuchat. the deputy principal director for the cdc. she has served a number of the centers for disease control. people haveuchat: been following the situation and we are trying to do everything we can to protect pregnant woman. leave pregnant woman to deliver a baby with a devastating condition where the child may never be able to walk, talk or care for themselves. mosquito season is here. cases are increasing. in puerto rico, more than 1.1% of blood donors had an evidence in that week, a single week. and we know that in the southern states, it is arriving. following 500 pregnant women in the united states, in the territories and the states, who have the zika infection in pregnancy. be able to states to detect, respond and prevent infections. we need to strengthen surveillance for the disease with mosquitoes. we need to do everything we can to control the mosquitoes to make sure that travelers and loved ones have the information they need to protect themselves. with communication, laboratory response, communication about what does an d