room just a few days ago with the -- several members, including brent scowcroft from the blue ribbon commission on which you served, dr. macfarlane. and the discussion dealt with spent fuel is not going to end up in yucca mountain. how do we go forward and find a place that is suitable? this country, or places that are suitable in this country? and senator alexander, we both served adds as governors and we had to be concerned among other things where to site prisons. not an easy thing to do in a small state like delaware, and not in other states. as it turns out, there were states that literally competed for a right to become a repository if you will for people that violated the law in our state and were incarcerated. and we had a competition that flowed from that situation. in a consent-based approach which is what the blue ribbon is suggesting, really makes a lot of sense to me in whether regardless what happens with yucca mountain, we have to learn from that, that experience, and just be a whole lot smarter going forward as we prepare to take next steps. how might we incentivize other states, other localities to be