dr. sculkin and secretary mcdonald. we had a big summit in alaska on opioid challenges and heroin challenges this summer and we had some very top, top doctors from the va come out to alaska for that. dr. lee and dr. drexler so i want to thank both of you. i want to he can to us on an area that i didn't see in a lot of recommendations but i know it's in there because it's a really important topic and when you talk about the delivery of care the issue that of course i'm very focused on in alaska is delivery of care in a rural community, extreme rural communities. and, mr. chairman, i apologize, i know this is a little unorthodox, i'm really sorry i missed having the secretary and dr. sculkin here, i know they are still here but i would love, gentlemen, to be able to chat at one of the breaks on the tribal sharing agreements that are a concern right now but it relates to this issue. but i was back home in my state, of course, over the summer like all of us and in a lot of the communities there just seemed to be a very diff