dr. sharfstein maker, have taken action on the issue on the production. we simply cannot continue to produce food animals. we need to reduce that use and we can. because both of the drugs used by food producers are not used to treat sick animals, but to increase or for routine disease prevention. or both. those can be accomplished by other ways, including better management and its time we get about that process. as has been said, the resistant bacteria generated in food animals have lots of ways of moving to humans. most prominently, but not solely on food. after a result, the bacteria are connected to many kinds of disease. not just the foodborne illness like salmonella salmonella, an example. but also systemic lung infection, urinary tract infection, and most recently. we have delayed on this mission for too long. key antibiotics working on the case for decades now. with little or no results for our efforts. but this story i think is the same for most of the food safety issues. for decades public health advocates have their vested interest. it is time t