dr. money nisha sharma, jonathan cohen.than, explain to me what's going on with these plans being canceled. >> i actually like the way you explained this tension between trying to create a better health care system but recognizing that a lot of people have insurance that they like. so, the basic approach of obama care, the affordable care act is to look and say, well, who has stable insurance right now? and predominantly, that's people, you know, with insurance from a large employer or from medicare or from medicaid. and that's actually the vast majority of americans. so, for them, you know, very little changes. but you have this group of people who are buying insurance on their own, and these are where you have all the problems, this is where you have all the problems, all those plans that you mentioned that don't cover things. when you can buy a plan on the individual market, it might be really cheap, but it won't cover maternity it won't cover mental health, it will have huge deductibles it won't cover prescription drugs