dr. norman sharpless, the 15th director of the national cancer institute and dr. stephanie davaney who is the deputy director of the all of us research program. i don't know if it's an intention for all to give an opening statement, but we will start with you, then, dr. collins and you are recognized for five statements for an opening statement. >> thank you and good morning, chairman burgess, ranking member green and other distinguished committee members, it's a great honor to appear before you again today along with my colleague fda commissioner dr. scott gottlieb, to give you a progress report on our implementation of the 21st kooecentury cures act. also joining me ned sharpless and dr. stephanie davaney. i can't emphasize enough for this subcommittee how much we appreciate your bipartisan leadership in passing this act. 51-0 as i recall out of energy and commerce. which aims to speed the translation of scientific discoveries into lifesaving treatments and cures. in the written statement i've submitted i've outlined a comprehensive report on how nih is working