dr. shepard was an individual who was born and raised of a prominent african-american minister in the state of north carolina, his parents were individuals who actually came out of the institution of slavery and ended up driving, as prominent african-americans, in the state of north carolina. dr. shepard goes on to receive an advanced education at what's now charlotte university and goes on to also become one of the first african-american pharmacists in the state of north carolina. shortly thereafter, he goes on to follow his father's footsteps, and tries out the ministry, and travels the world with the international sunday school association, which leads im to his higher calling which ultimately becomes creating the institution, that is present day north carolina central university. >> what about his role in terms of the creation of historically black colleges and universities? >> i think that the role that he had in creating that institution in particular, when we look back at it, there was, at the turn of the century, an either/or debate. what type of education should african-americans h